Tune into your intuition.
Allow yourself to paint freely!
Unlock the medicine of creativity
that lives within you!
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Purchase the class above and then
Sign up below to get the link
to the Online Guided Painting Session
Be on the lookout for a link to the recorded session in your email that you provided in the signup form!
And have fun getting your supplies and creative space ready for class!
Check out the Q & A to learn about suggested materials and more :)
Q: Do I need Painting experience to join this painting session?
A: No experience needed. :)
Q: How much does this session cost?
A: $30
Q: How long is this guided painting session?
A: About 3 Hours
Q: What do I need for class?
A: Suggested painting supply list:
- 1 warm up painting surface (thick Mixed-media paper, primed cardboard, or canvas)
- 1 painting surface (to paint our main painting on) (suggested:*canvas 12" X 12" but any size will do) (other options: primed(pre-painted) wood, thick paper, primed cardboard)
- 3 medium sized brushes (Variety of: *round, *flat, *detail)
- 1 old toothbrush (or new one. but a toothbrush :) )
- Acrylic Paint: red, yellow, blue, white and black
(My Favorite brands: *liquitex basics, *apple barrel, liquitex professional, and golden.
(liquitex basics or apple barrel are great for beginners and are less expensive)
-Water jar with water (for cleaning brushes between color changes)
-Painting palette ( palette from store, ceramic plate, plastic plate, tubberware lid or plastic egg carton)
- Painting cloth (cloth or paper towel that you can wipe paint on and get off the excess water from brushes)
-Easel /or table /or ground :(depending on if you want to paint your piece flat on the table or ground, or have it tilted upright on an easel or against a wall or stack of heavy books. )
-Drop cloth (towel, tapestry, rug, plastic, tarp or other material that can get paint on it and protect your floor. there is always the option to paint outside in the grass too :) )